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CDRouter 11.1

Release Type Release Number Release Date
Original CDRouter 11.1 Build 1 December 4, 2018
Maintenance Release 1 CDRouter 11.1 Build 2 December 20, 2018

Note: CDRouter 11.1 includes many new features and configuration testvars. Old config files can be automatically upgraded to include all new CDRouter 11.1 testvars using the config upgrade utility.

Attention: Operating System Deprecation Notice

Support for the Ubuntu operating system has been deprecated. CDRouter systems running on Ubuntu will now see warning messages during installation and in the ‘start’ log of a test run. Support for this operating system will be officially removed with the next major version of CDRouter (12.0). Please contact for additional information and assistance in migrating to a supported operating system.

December 4, 2018

New Features and Enhancements


  • Support for generating 802.11 wireless packet captures

    CDRouter now has the ability to create 802.11 wireless packet captures during a test run. This feature can be enabled using the new wifiCapture testvar. When enabled, CDRouter will automatically create a monitor interface and generate 802.11 wireless captures for each WiFi interface that is in use.

    A default capture filter will be applied when this testvar is set to a value of on. The default capture filter is dynamic based on the association state of the first wireless client on each physical WiFi interface.

    Optionally, a user defined capture filter can be defined, in standard pcap-filter syntax, using the new wifiCaptureFilter testvar. User defined filters are applied by setting the wifiCapture to a value of filter.

    All 802.11 packet captures generated by CDRouter will be available in the result directory on disk or via the Files dropdown within CDRouter’s web UI log viewer.

  • Improved packet capture viewer through TraceFrame

    CDRouter’s packet capture viewer that allows users to perform deep packet analysis on the captures generated during testing has been dramatically improved through its integration with TraceFrame, the technology behind QA Cafe’s CloudShark Enterprise packet capture repository and analysis tool. Some of the key features include:

    • An unlimited number of packets can be viewed at one time. This eliminates CDRouter’s 2000 packet limit on capture logs
    • Faster and more efficient processing of packet views
    • Sortable columns for each packet field
    • The ability to drag-and-drop packet filters from the decode view into the filter box

    And more! Use this new feature when looking at the packet captures generated while testing.

  • Security test list automatically included

    With the advent of many broadband gateway security issues over the past few years, CDRouter now includes a security package that combines many security related test cases into a ready to use package to run against your devices. This package is also marked as a test list, so it can be included automatically in any other CDRouter test packages that you build. You can read more about the security test list in our quick start guide.

CDRouter Multiport

  • Support for virtual LAN test interfaces

    This feature allows users to define logical LAN test interfaces that utilize a shared Linux system device, provided the MAC addresses are unique. This feature relaxes the one-to-one requirement between test interfaces and system devices that was enforced in earlier versions of CDRouter.

    Virtual LAN test interfaces are defined with testvar_groups just like traditional test interfaces in earlier versions. Any test interface that supports virtualization can have virtual LAN test interfaces attached to it. For example, configurations like this are now possible with the Multiport expansion:

    # -- main LAN
    testvar lanInterface wlan1
    testvar_group lan2 {
        testvar lanInterface eth2
    testvar_group lan3 {
        testvar lanInterface wlan1
        testvar lanMac 00:00:00:22:22:22
    testvar_group lan4 {
        testvar lanInterface eth2
        testvar lanMac 00:00:00:33:33:33
  • Support for additional LAN clients

    This feature allows users to configure additional LAN clients on each non-unique LAN test interface (any test interface that doesn’t have a hard-coded MAC address) using the new lanClients testvar.

    This feature makes it possible to easily create a large number of additional, persistent test clients without having to define LAN test interfaces or virtual LAN test interfaces using individual testvar_groups. For example, a simple but very powerful configuration that incorporates both the virtual LAN test interfaces and additional LAN clients features to create six test clients might look like this:

    # -- main LAN
    testvar lanInterface wlan1
    testvar lanClients   2
    testvar_group lan2 {
        testvar lanInterface eth2
        testvar lanClients   2
    testvar_group lan3 {
        testvar lanInterface wlan1
        testvar lanMac 00:00:00:22:22:22
    testvar_group lan4 {
        testvar lanInterface eth2
        testvar lanMac 00:00:00:33:33:33

    The combination of LAN test interfaces and additional LAN clients determine how many unique test clients will be created by CDRouter. Any test clients that are the result of the additional LAN clients feature are named using a sub-interface type convention, ie lan.1, lan.2, lan2.1, lan2.2, etc. Test interfaces that have no additional LAN clients are simply referred to by their interface name, ie lan3, lan4, etc.

CDRouter IPv6

  • Support for MAP-E

    CDRouter now includes support for RFC7597, Mapping of Address and Port with Encapsulation (MAP-E). MAP-E is a stateless NAT64 technique that is designed to deliver IPv4 services over native IPv6 connections without having to deploy a full dual-stack network infrastructure. It also incorporates some carrier grade NAT (CGN) concepts by allowing multiple end user devices to share a single public IPv4 address.

    For more information please see our Knowledge Base article on MAP testing with CDRouter.

CDRouter TR-069

  • New TR-069 Diagnotstic Tools test module

    A new test module has been added to verify that the ACS can configure the DUT to run various diagnostic tests over the network. The module defines 30 new tests using the diagnostics provided by the IPPing, UDPEcho, and UDPEchoPlus service profiles in the DUT’s data model. The tests check whether the DUT is able to execute the requested diagnostics and report the correct results back to the ACS.

  • New ‘Event’ command for CWMP Scenario scripts

    The CWMP Scenario Testing feature now supports an Event command to have the ACS wait for the DUT to send an Inform message containing a specific Event Code such as 4 VALUE CHANGE or 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE. This provides greater control over the flow of the scenario script by ensuring the ACS does not send subsequent commands until a specific event code has been received.

    Please see the CDRouter TR-069 User Guide for more details and examples of how to use this feature.

  • New tests in od128 test module to verify additional ChangeDUState operations

    Four new tests have been added to verify that the ACS can install and update software components on the DUT using the ChangeDUState RPC method. The new tests provide additional coverage to ensure the DUT processes ChangeDUState requests with different combinations of arguments.

  • New tests in tr69 test module to verify changes across reboots

    Two new tests, tr69_101 and tr69_102, have been added to verify that changes made by the ACS to the DUT’s data model are still in effect after the device is rebooted.

  • New testvar for specifying the DUT’s supported data model and profiles

    A new testvar cwmpSupportedDataModel has been added to this release. This new testvar obsoletes the tr69FakeDeviceSummary and tr69ProfileMatch testvars and provides a host of new features and functionality that were not available previously.

    There are now many different ways to specify the root and service data model profiles supported by the DUT. In addition, CDRouter now also has the ability to verify the DUT’s supported data model against a specific version of the data model published by the Broadband Forum.

    Please see the TR-069 User Guide for more information.

New Test Modules and Test Cases

CDRouter IPv6

  • New test module for verifying MAP-E functionality

    MODULE: mape.tcl
    DESCRIPTION: MAP-E tests for mapping IPv4 to IPv6

CDRouter TR-069

  • New test module to run network diagnostic tests from the DUT

    MODULE: tr69_diagnostics.tcl
    DESCRIPTION: TR-069 tests for diagnostic tools
  • New tests to verify ChangeDUState operations

    TEST: od128_test_35.2
    MODULE: od128.tcl
    DESCRIPTION: OD-128 Test 35 Part 2: Change DU State - Install with Execution Environment Reference
    TEST: od128_test_35.3
    MODULE: od128.tcl
    DESCRIPTION: OD-128 Test 35 Part 3: Change DU State - Update with only UUID
    TEST: od128_test_35.4
    MODULE: od128.tcl
    DESCRIPTION: OD-128 Test 35 Part 4: Change DU State - Update with only URL
    TEST: od128_test_35.5
    MODULE: od128.tcl
    DESCRIPTION: OD-128 Test 35 Part 5: Change DU State - Update with UUID and URL
  • New tests to verify ACS changes persist across reboot

    TEST: tr69_101
    MODULE: tr69.tcl
    DESCRIPTION: Verify values set by SetParameterValues are persistent across Reboot
    TEST: tr69_102
    MODULE: tr69.tcl
    DESCRIPTION: Verify objects created by AddObject are persistent across Reboot

Bug Fixes and Notes


  • The default value of the testvar wifiBeaconPhy has been changed from n to n a ac. [LH #3977]

  • Removed PPPoE as an option for testvars lanMode and ipv6LanMode . This was a legacy option used for internal testing at QA Cafe. We have not run into any instances where PPPoE was needed for testing with simulated LAN clients. [LH #3934]

  • As a result of the new virtual LAN test interfaces and additional LAN clients features added in this release, the naming convention for device capture files has changed.

    In previous releases, all device captures were named using the convention:

    <test name>-<test interface>.cap

    In 11.1 a single device capture is generated for each wireless test client using the convention:

    <test name>-<test interface>.<client>.cap

    Whereas all Ethernet test clients are aggregated into a single device capture file using the convention:

    <test name>-<lan or wan>-<device name>.cap

    Within the web UI for all releases, the test name is omitted from the device capture file name in the Files drop down on the Results page.

  • This release also introduces the wifi capture feature which creates a new 802.11 capture for each wireless Linux system device in use:

    <test name>-<lan or wan>-<device name>.cap

  • The cdrouter_esp_400, cdrouter_scale_1, and cdrouter_scale_2 tests now allow up to 10 seconds for HTTP reads. Previously this was 5 seconds. [LH #3985]

  • The cdrouter_upnp_igd2_400 and ipv6_upnp_igd2_400 test cases are now skipped when using a configuration file that has the testvar upnpDevice set to a value of InternetGatewayDevice:1. [LH #3995]

  • Resolved a fatal error associated with the establishment and testing of manually keyed IPv4 IPSec tunnels on systems do not have the IPv6 expansion. This issue was introduced in release 11.0.1 and does not impact earlier versions of CDRouter. [LH #4011]

  • Due to incompatibilities with certain wireless drivers, the cdrouter_dos_10 test case will now only run on Ethernet LAN interfaces. [LH #4026]

CDRouter IPv6

  • The icmpv6_10 and icmpv6_32 test cases have been updated to verify the DUT’s behavior when receiving IPv6 packets with Hop Limits of 0 and 1. Previously these tests only verified the case where the Hop Limit was 1. [LH #3886]

  • The ipv6_esp_400, ipv6_scale_1, and ipv6_scale_2 tests now allow up to 10 seconds for HTTP reads. Previously this was 5 seconds. [LH #3985]

  • The cdrouter_pptppt_2, cdrouter_pptppt_100, and cdrouter_scale_20 test cases have been updated to bring up a full PPP session within the PPTP connections that are established. [LH #3920]

CDRouter TR-069

  • Additional XML syntax validation is now performed on all CWMP messages received from the DUT. Any message containing a variable number of elements, such as an Inform or GetParameterValuesResponse, must indicate the correct number of elements or leave the number of elements unspecified.

    Example: The GetParameterValuesResponse below is encoded with the ParameterList XML tag specifying an array of 2 ParameterValuesStruct elements, but actually contains 3 parameters:

            <ParameterList SOAP-ENC:arrayType="cwmp:ParameterValueStruct[2]">
                <ParameterValueStruct> ..... </ParameterValueStruct>
                <ParameterValueStruct> ..... </ParameterValueStruct>
                <ParameterValueStruct> ..... </ParameterValueStruct>

    The ACS now will log a Warning message and ignore any message with incorrect element syntax.

    WARNING(tr69): Malformed array length in SOAP message. 3 elements in ParameterList, but arrayType attribute reads 'cwmp:ParameterValueStruct[2]'  

    This may result in test failures if the ACS does not receive a message with the correct syntax. [LH #3929]

  • Updated the Set-Cookie header sent by the ACS to ensure invalid characters are not included. The Set-Cookie header is composed from the OUI and SerialNumber arguments in the DUT’s Inform message, which could potentially contain characters that are not permitted in the Set-Cookie header. [LH #2327]

  • The acsDiscoveryUrl testvar default value has been updated. The default value is now built using the value of acsDomain instead of the acsIp . As a result, the default ACS discovery URL provided by CDRouter’s DHCP/DHCPv6 servers is [LH #3952]

  • Tests that verify ChangeDUState operations (od128_test_35.1 through od128_test_35.6) will now be skipped if the testvars tr69DUChangeExecEnvRef , tr69DUInstallImage , and tr69DUInstallUUID are not configured. [LH #3974]

  • The Tcl interpreter shipped with CDRouter has been patched to fix a problem with the ACS message handler. TR-069 responses containing unusual combinations of characters with special meaning in TCL were not being parsed correctly by the Tcl interpreter. [LH #3991]

  • Fixed the capitalization of the ExecutionEnvRef tag in ChangeDUState SOAP messages during uninstall operations. [LH #4001]

  • The tr69FakeDeviceSummary and tr69ProfileMatch and have been deprecated and replaced by the new cwmpSupportedDataModel testvar. [LH #3856]

CDRouter Performance

  • Fixed the allowed range of values for perfStreamIncr to match the max values supported by CDRouter. [LH #3963]

December 20, 2018

New Features and Enhancements


  • Update to the Bulk Edit tool for test packages

    The Bulk Edit tool on the Packages page of the web interface has been updated to support Config file selection. This change makes it possible to change the config file of multiple packages with a single operation. [LH #4031]

CDRouter TR-069

  • New TR-069 wireless test case

    A new test case, tr69_wireless_50, has been added to the tr69_wireless test module. The purpose of this test is to verify that the DUT can be configured to use all of the wifi channels that it supports based on the value of the PossibleChannels parameter. This test queries the DUT for the value of the PossibleChannels parameter and walks through each returned value attempting to configure the DUT to use that channel, associate to the DUT on that channel, and pass traffic.

New Test Modules and Test Cases

CDRouter TR-069

  • New test case for verifying that all supported wifi channels can be enabled and used

    TEST: tr69_wireless_50
    MODULE: tr69_wireless.tcl
    DESCRIPTION: Verify that all supported channels can be configured and used (IGD & Device:2)

Bug Fixes and Notes


  • The testvar staticHost has been deprecated. [LH #4050]

  • Resolved a problem in the vservice.tcl module that was causing a non-fatal “Can’t find suitable LAN stack” error in some configurations. [LH #3980]

  • Resolved a fatal error during start when testvars dhcpv6ClientOptionCode and dhcpv6ClientOptionData were configured with non default values. [LH #4047]

CDRouter Nmap

  • Resolved a fatal error when running Nmap tests on the WAN using config a file in which the testvar lanInterface was set to a value of none. [LH #3833]

CDRouter TR-069

  • Resolved a fatal error in the ir181_test_5.3.3 test case. [LH #4040]

  • Updated the tr69_wireless test module and the ir181_test_5.6.1 through ir181_test_5.6.15 test cases to properly restore auto channel selection at the end of the tests based on the value of the AutoChannelEnable parameter returned by the DUT at the start of the test. [LH #4023]

  • The tr69_wireless test module, od128_test_19.1 test case, and ir181_test_5.6.1 through ir181_test_5.6.15 test cases have been updated to be compatible with configurations that utilize multiple wireless clients. [LH #3552]

CDRouter Performance

  • Resolved a problem in the perf_mcast_lan_2 test that caused it to report zero throughput even though multicast traffic was actually received. [LH #3894]