CDRouter 12.15

June 3, 2021

New Features

  • Multiport: Four new multi-client multicast tests have been added to this release. Please see cdrouter_lan_mp_40 and cdrouter_lan_mp_45 in the lan-mp test module, and the IPv6 versions of the same two tests ipv6_lan_mp_50 and ipv6_lan_mp_55 in the lan-mp-v6 test module for more information. [ch1887]

Change Log

  • CDRouter: Resolved a filtering bug on the logdir index page within the web UI. [ch10573]

  • IPv6: Improved the skip reason that is displayed when the testvar supportsIPv6 is disabled or set to a value of no. [ch9975]

  • Security: The ET Open ruleset shipped with the CDRouter Security expansion has been updated to version 9741. [ch10662]

  • TR-069: In previous releases the entire tp181 test module would be skipped if the testvar lanInterface was set to a value of none. This constraint has been relaxed. Now only the tests in this module that actually require a LAN interface will be skipped if one is not configured. [ch11034]

  • USP: Resolved an issue associated with starting up the secondary controller in the usp_conformance_2_9 test case. [ch10761]

  • USP: Resolved an issue in the usp_27 test case in which notifications were not enabled and disabled at the correct time leading to failures. [ch10889]


  • Important installation notes: If you are upgrading from CDRouter 11.x or earlier versions, all prerequisites listed in the CDRouter 12.0 Release Notes must be met prior to upgrading to CDRouter 12.15. Please contact for assistance if needed.

  • Config upgrades: CDRouter 12.15 includes many new features and configuration testvars. Config files may be easily upgraded to include all new CDRouter 12.15 testvars using the config upgrade utility.

  • Python 2 deprecation: Support for Python 2 within has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of CDRouter. All scripts using should be updated to use Python 3, which is fully supported.