CDRouter 12.16

July 1, 2021

Change Log

  • CDRouter: The default value of the dhcpClientEnd testvar has been changed. The default LAN DHCP pool size is now much larger which is consistent with the default configuration of most devices. [ch9755]

  • CDRouter: The dns_301 test case and all variants will now automatically abort after five failures. This significantly reduces test test time in failure scenarios. [ch11166]

  • CDRouter: The default value of the lanWirelessMaxClients has been changed from 32 to auto. [ch10191]

  • Multiport: The cdrouter_lan_mp_40, cdrouter_lan_mp_45, ipv6_lan_mp_50 and ipv6_lan_mp_55 test cases have all been updated to send multiple packets during the forwarding portion of the test. These tests now send 10 packets and will pass if 80% or more are received. This improves compatibility hardware acceleration implementations that may drop the first few packets of a multicast stream. [ch11223]

  • Security: The ET Open ruleset shipped with the CDRouter Security expansion has been updated to version 9762. [ch11077]

  • TR-069: Resolved a fatal error condition in the od128_test_8.1, od128_test_8.2, od128_test_8.3, and od128_test_8.4 test cases when run with configurations that have a small free network range size. [ch10495]

  • TR-069: Resolved an issue with the FileType argument in the Download RPC issued by CDRouter’s ACS in the tr69_inactive_firmware_1 test case. [ch11160]

  • USP: Improved support for error messages from the Agent and fixed typos in parameter names in the following tests [ch11024]:

    • usp_conformance_2_15
    • usp_conformance_2_19
    • usp_conformance_2_20
    • usp_conformance_2_21
    • usp_conformance_2_22
  • USP: Updated Target to Targets in parameter names used in the following test cases [ch11024]:

    • usp_conformance_2_11
    • usp_conformance_2_12
    • usp_conformance_2_13
    • usp_conformance_2_14
    • usp_conformance_2_15
    • usp_conformance_2_16
    • usp_conformance_2_17
    • usp_conformance_2_18
    • usp_conformance_2_20
  • USP: Updated the following test cases to correctly set permissions at start of each test case: [ch11027]:

    • usp_conformance_2_11
    • usp_conformance_2_12
    • usp_conformance_2_13
    • usp_conformance_2_14
    • usp_conformance_2_15
    • usp_conformance_2_16
    • usp_conformance_2_19
    • usp_conformance_2_20
    • usp_conformance_2_21
  • USP: Updated the usp_conformance_2_19 test case to get only the PeriodicNotIfInterval parameter and not the entire controller object. [ch11027]

  • USP: Removed trailing single quote in MQTT messages. [ch11157]

  • USP: Removed the double printing of incoming MQTT messages in test logs. [ch11444]

  • USP: Resolved an issue with objects not being cleaned up in STOMP and MQTT testing. [ch11027]


  • Important installation notes: If you are upgrading from CDRouter 11.x or earlier versions, all prerequisites listed in the CDRouter 12.0 Release Notes must be met prior to upgrading to CDRouter 12.16. Please contact for assistance if needed.

  • Config upgrades: CDRouter 12.16 includes many new features and configuration testvars. Config files may be easily upgraded to include all new CDRouter 12.16 testvars using the config upgrade utility.

  • Python 2 deprecation: Support for Python 2 within has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of CDRouter. All scripts using should be updated to use Python 3, which is fully supported.