CDRouter 12.17

July 29, 2021

Change Log

  • Security: The ET Open ruleset shipped with the CDRouter Security expansion has been updated to version 9784. [ch11578]

  • TR-069: Added a IPv4/IPv6 address check to resolve a potential fatal error in the tp181_test_5.4.1 and tp181_test_5.4.3 test cases. [ch11452] [ch11456]

  • TR-069: All chunked encoding headers are now automatically removed by CDRouter during file uploads. [ch11695]

  • USP: The usp_conformance_6_7 and usp_conformance_6_10 test cases require a reboot and will now be automatically skipped unless the testvar cpeRebootMode is set to a value of reboot and the testvar RestartDut is configured. [ch11408]

  • USP: The usp_21, usp_22, usp_23, usp_27, and usp_28 test cases now restore the parameter specified by the testvar uspExternallyChangeableParam to its original value at the end of each test. [ch11408]

  • USP: The usp_conformance_2_9 test case has been updated to ensure consistent behavior across all MTPs. [ch11408]

  • USP: The usp_conformance_6_7 test case has been updated to resolve a potential false negative test result. [ch11408]

  • USP: The usp_conformance_6_10 test case has been updated to reset the Destination parameter on the agent at the end of the test. [ch11408]

  • USP: The certificates used for MQTTS are now configurable using the testvars uspControllerMTPCertPath and uspControllerMTPCaCertPath [ch11774]


  • Important installation notes: If you are upgrading from CDRouter 11.x or earlier versions, all prerequisites listed in the CDRouter 12.0 Release Notes must be met prior to upgrading to CDRouter 12.17. Please contact for assistance if needed.

  • Config upgrades: CDRouter 12.17 includes many new features and configuration testvars. Config files may be easily upgraded to include all new CDRouter 12.17 testvars using the config upgrade utility.

  • Python 2 deprecation: Support for Python 2 within has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of CDRouter. All scripts using should be updated to use Python 3, which is fully supported.