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Configuration File Template

Configuration File Template

The default configuration file template used by cdrouter-cli -new-config and cdrouter-cli -config XXX.conf -upgrade-config is defined at the bottom of /usr/cdrouter/tests/config.dic with a call to buddy::set_default_config_template. The template body is Tcl script which is evaluated in a special namespace which ensures that indentation and spacing is uniform and that testvar values are quoted correctly (i.e. by wrapping them in double-quotes or braces as necessary).

Sometimes it is helpful to include custom testvars defined by a custom testpath in the configuration files generated by cdrouter-cli -new-config and cdrouter-cli -upgrade-config. This can be done with a call to buddy::append_default_config_template at the bottom of a testpath’s config.dic file. This call takes the same configuration file template syntax as buddy::set_default_config_template. For example, the following config.dic file would define two custom testvars, myCustomTestvar and myOtherCustomTestvar and append them to the default configuration file template inside a section titled My Custom Section:

buddy::testvar_define myCustomTestvar {
    type { word }
    default someValue

buddy::testvar_define myOtherCustomTestvar {
    type { word }
    default someOtherValue

buddy::append_default_config_template {
    SECTION "My Custom Section" {
        testvar myCustomTestvar
        testvar myOtherCustomTestvar

Template Commands


comment TEXT

Appends a comment to the config containing the string TEXT. For example:

comment "This is a comment"
comment "This is another comment"

would generate the following output:

# This is a comment
# This is another comment

. (period)


Inserts a blank line in the config template. For example:

comment "This is a comment"
comment "This is another comment"

would generate the following output:

# This is a comment

# This is another comment


testvar NAME...

Appends to the config a definition for testvar NAME with its current value.

If NAME is a list of testvar names and the first name is a wildcard testvar, all instances of those testvars will be appended.

Testvar definitions will be commented out unless the current value of the testvar is not the default value.

Testvars with a deprecated field in their status property will not be printed.

For example, assume myFirstTestvar is set to its default value, mySecondTestvar is not, and the myWildcard wildcard testvar set has three instances set. Then the following script:

testvar myFirstTestvar
testvar mySecondTestvar
testvar {

would generate the following output:

# testvar myFirstTestvar aDefaultValue
testvar mySecondTestvar  aNonDefaultValue

testvar myWildcardFoo1   aNonDefaultValue
testvar myWildcardBar1   aNonDefaultValue
testvar myWildcardQux1   aNonDefaultValue

testvar myWildcardFoo2   aNonDefaultValue
testvar myWildcardBar2   aNonDefaultValue
testvar myWildcardQux2   aNonDefaultValue

testvar myWildcardFoo3   aNonDefaultValue
testvar myWildcardBar3   aNonDefaultValue
testvar myWildcardQux3   aNonDefaultValue



This command should only be used inside the SCRIPT argument of the wildcard_testvars command. It returns the instance number (i.e. 1, 2, 3, etc) of the wildcard testvar being appended to the config.



This command should only be used inside the SCRIPT argument of the wildcard_testvars command. It returns non-zero if the wildcard testvar being appended to the config should be an example as opposed to a user-defined instance from a config being upgraded.


wildcard_testvars NAME SCRIPT

Evaluates SCRIPT for each instance of the master wildcard testvar NAME. The wildcard_example and wildcard_ending commands can be used along with all other template commands to append to the config all testvars associated with each instance of the master wildcard testvar.

This command can be used instead of passing a list of associated wildcard testvars to the testvars command in instances where you want greater control over how wildcard testvars are displayed in the config file.

Below is an example that uses the wildcard_testvars, wildcard_ending and wildcard_example commands. Note how we use wildcard_example to determine if all the testvars should be printed or only those for manual/IKE IPsec tunnels. We use a combination of buddy::getvar and wildcard_ending to determine the type of IPsec tunnel using the ipsecTunnelKeyType testvar so we can display only testvars relevant to that type of tunnel.

wildcard_testvars ipsecTunnelEndpoint {
    SECTION "IPsec Tunnel Configuration [ wildcard_ending ]" {
        testvar ipsecTunnelKeyType
        testvar ipsecTunnelEndpoint
        testvar ipsecTunnelRemoteNetwork
        testvar ipsecTunnelRemoteMask
        testvar ipsecTunnelHost
        if { [ wildcard_example ] ||
             [ buddy::getvar ipsecTunnelKeyType[ wildcard_ending ] ] == "manual" } {
            SECTION "Manual IPsec Tunnel Configuration" {
                testvar ipsecTunnelOutboundSpi
                testvar ipsecTunnelOutEncrypt
                testvar ipsecTunnelOutEncryptKey
                testvar ipsecTunnelOutAuth
                testvar ipsecTunnelOutAuthKey
                testvar ipsecTunnelInboundSpi
                testvar ipsecTunnelInEncrypt
                testvar ipsecTunnelInEncryptKey
                testvar ipsecTunnelInAuth
                testvar ipsecTunnelInAuthKey
        if { [ wildcard_example ] } { . }
        if { [ wildcard_example ] ||
             [ buddy::getvar ipsecTunnelKeyType[ wildcard_ending ] ] == "ike" } {
            SECTION "IKE IPsec Tunnel Configuration" {
                testvar ipsecTunnelIkeEncrypt
                testvar ipsecTunnelIkeAuth
                testvar ipsecTunnelIkeGroup
                testvar ipsecTunnelIkeLifetime
                testvar ipsecTunnelEncrypt
                testvar ipsecTunnelAuth
                testvar ipsecTunnelPfsGroup
                testvar ipsecTunnelLifetime
                testvar ipsecTunnelPsk
                testvar ipsecTunnelIkeMode
                testvar ipsecTunnelUsesNat

When generating a new config (i.e. when wildcard_example will return true), the above script would generate the following output:

SECTION "IPsec Tunnel Configuration [ wildcard_ending ]" {

    # testvar ipsecTunnelKeyType1
    # testvar ipsecTunnelEndpoint1
    # testvar ipsecTunnelRemoteNetwork1
    # testvar ipsecTunnelRemoteMask1
    # testvar ipsecTunnelHost1

    SECTION "Manual IPsec Tunnel Configuration" {

        # testvar ipsecTunnelOutboundSpi1
        # testvar ipsecTunnelOutEncrypt1
        # testvar ipsecTunnelOutEncryptKey1
        # testvar ipsecTunnelOutAuth1
        # testvar ipsecTunnelOutAuthKey1
        # testvar ipsecTunnelInboundSpi1
        # testvar ipsecTunnelInEncrypt1
        # testvar ipsecTunnelInEncryptKey1
        # testvar ipsecTunnelInAuth1
        # testvar ipsecTunnelInAuthKey1


    SECTION "IKE IPsec Tunnel Configuration" {

        # testvar ipsecTunnelIkeEncrypt1
        # testvar ipsecTunnelIkeAuth1
        # testvar ipsecTunnelIkeGroup1
        # testvar ipsecTunnelIkeLifetime1
        # testvar ipsecTunnelEncrypt1
        # testvar ipsecTunnelAuth1
        # testvar ipsecTunnelPfsGroup1
        # testvar ipsecTunnelLifetime1
        # testvar ipsecTunnelPsk1
        # testvar ipsecTunnelIkeMode1
        # testvar ipsecTunnelUsesNat1



However, if cdrouter-cli -upgrade-config is run on a config with the following testvars defined:

testvar ipsecTunnelEndpoint1   
testvar ipsecTunnelKeyType1              manual
testvar ipsecTunnelRemoteNetwork1
testvar ipsecTunnelRemoteMask1 
testvar ipsecTunnelHost1       

testvar ipsecTunnelOutboundSpi1          1000
testvar ipsecTunnelOutEncrypt1           des
testvar ipsecTunnelOutEncryptKey1        0102030405060708
testvar ipsecTunnelOutAuth1              md5-hmac
testvar ipsecTunnelOutAuthKey1           6262626262626262
testvar ipsecTunnelInboundSpi1           1001
testvar ipsecTunnelInEncrypt1            des
testvar ipsecTunnelInEncryptKey1         0102030405060708
testvar ipsecTunnelInAuth1               md5-hmac
testvar ipsecTunnelInAuthKey1            6262626262626262

testvar ipsecTunnelEndpoint2   
testvar ipsecTunnelKeyType2              ike
testvar ipsecTunnelRemoteNetwork2
testvar ipsecTunnelRemoteMask2 
testvar ipsecTunnelHost2       

testvar ipsecTunnelIkeEncrypt2           des
testvar ipsecTunnelIkeAuth2              md5-hmac
testvar ipsecTunnelIkeGroup2             1
testvar ipsecTunnelIkeLifetime2          300
testvar ipsecTunnelEncrypt2              3des
testvar ipsecTunnelAuth2                 sha1-hmac
testvar ipsecTunnelPfsGroup2             1
testvar ipsecTunnelLifetime2             120
testvar ipsecTunnelPsk2                  qacafe123
testvar ipsecTunnelIkeMode2              main
testvar ipsecTunnelUsesNat2              no

then the above script would generate the following output:

SECTION "IPsec Tunnel Configurations" {

    SECTION "IPsec Tunnel Configuration 1" {

        # testvar ipsecTunnelKeyType1              manual
        testvar ipsecTunnelEndpoint1   
        testvar ipsecTunnelRemoteNetwork1
        testvar ipsecTunnelRemoteMask1 
        testvar ipsecTunnelHost1       

        SECTION "Manual IPsec Tunnel Configuration" {

            testvar ipsecTunnelOutboundSpi1          1000
            testvar ipsecTunnelOutEncrypt1           des
            testvar ipsecTunnelOutEncryptKey1        0102030405060708
            testvar ipsecTunnelOutAuth1              md5-hmac
            testvar ipsecTunnelOutAuthKey1           6262626262626262
            testvar ipsecTunnelInboundSpi1           1001
            testvar ipsecTunnelInEncrypt1            des
            testvar ipsecTunnelInEncryptKey1         0102030405060708
            testvar ipsecTunnelInAuth1               md5-hmac
            testvar ipsecTunnelInAuthKey1            6262626262626262



    SECTION "IPsec Tunnel Configuration 2" {

        testvar ipsecTunnelKeyType2              ike
        testvar ipsecTunnelEndpoint2   
        testvar ipsecTunnelRemoteNetwork2
        testvar ipsecTunnelRemoteMask2 
        testvar ipsecTunnelHost2       

        SECTION "IKE IPsec Tunnel Configuration" {

            testvar ipsecTunnelIkeEncrypt2           des
            testvar ipsecTunnelIkeAuth2              md5-hmac
            testvar ipsecTunnelIkeGroup2             1
            testvar ipsecTunnelIkeLifetime2          300
            testvar ipsecTunnelEncrypt2              3des
            testvar ipsecTunnelAuth2                 sha1-hmac
            testvar ipsecTunnelPfsGroup2             1
            testvar ipsecTunnelLifetime2             120
            testvar ipsecTunnelPsk2                  qacafe123
            testvar ipsecTunnelIkeMode2              main
            testvar ipsecTunnelUsesNat2              no





Appends a SECTION block NAME to the config, increasing indentation by one unit while SCRIPT is evaluated. For example, assume the testvars myFirstTestvar, mySecondTestvar and myThirdTestvar were set to non-default values 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Then the following script:

SECTION "My Example Section" {
    testvar myFirstTestvar
    testvar mySecondTestvar
    testvar myThirdTestvar

would generate the following output:

SECTION "My Example Section" {

    testvar myFirstTestvar  1
    testvar mySecondTestvar 2
    testvar myThirdTestvar  3



testvar_group NAME... SCRIPT

Appends to the config a definition for the testvar_groups in NAME, evaluating SCRIPT as the template containing the testvars to show in the testvar_group. Indentation is increased by one unit while SCRIPT is evaluated. It will also append any additional testvar_groups which haven’t already been printed that are defined and match the pattern of NAME. For example, assume the testvar_group myGroup is defined and the testvars myFirstTestvar, mySecondTestvar and myThirdTestvar are set to their default values. Then the following script:

testvar_group myGroup {
    testvar myFirstTestvar
    testvar mySecondTestvar
    testvar myThirdTestvar

would generate the following output:

testvar_group myGroup {

    # testvar myFirstTestvar  1
    # testvar mySecondTestvar 2
    # testvar myThirdTestvar  3


For an example of printing additional testvar_groups which match the pattern of NAME, assume myGroup2, myGroup3 and myGroup4 are all defined testvar_groups. Then the following script:

testvar_group myGroup2 {
    testvar myTestvar

would generate the following output:

testvar_group myGroup2 {

    # testvar myTestvar 1


testvar_group myGroup3 {

    # testvar myTestvar 1


testvar_group myGroup4 {

    # testvar myTestvar 1


If you wish to ensure multiple testvar_groups get printed even if a group with that pattern is not defined, give NAME as a list of testvar_groups. For example, if myGroup2 is defined but myGroup3 is not defined, the following script:

testvar_group { myGroup2 myGroup3 } {
    testvar myTestvar

would generate the following output:

testvar_group myGroup2 {

    # testvar myTestvar 1


IGNORE testvar_group myGroup3 {

    # testvar myTestvar 1


note that testvar_group myGroup3 was outputted with the IGNORE keyword because it was not defined.

If a testvar_group being printed contains defined testvars which have not been printed after SCRIPT is evaluated, they will be printed in a “Miscellaneous Testvars” SECTION block at the bottom of the testvar_group.


testvar_misc [ GROUP ]

Appends to the config any testvars defined in testvar_group GROUP that have not already by printed. If GROUP is not given and testvar_misc is being evaluated as part of the SCRIPT of a testvar_group invocation, GROUP will default to the name of testvar_group currently being printed. Otherwise, GROUP will default to main.



Appends to the config any defined testvar_groups that have not already by printed.


Appends to the config all pre- and post-test commands defined by calls to buddy::pre_test_command and buddy::post_test_command. Commands are sorted by testcase name, with the pre-test command (if one exists) coming before the post-test command for each testcase. For example, the following commands:

buddy::pre_test_command cdrouter_basic_1 {
    Event_wait_seconds 10

buddy::pre_test_command cdrouter_basic_2 {
    Event_wait_seconds 10

buddy::pre_test_command cdrouter_basic_100 {
    Event_wait_seconds 10

buddy::post_test_command cdrouter_basic_100 {
    Event_wait_seconds 20

buddy::post_test_command cdrouter_basic_3 {
    Event_wait_seconds 10

buddy::post_test_command cdrouter_basic_1 {
    Event_wait_seconds 20

would generate the following output:

buddy::pre_test_command cdrouter_basic_1 {
    Event_wait_seconds 10

buddy::post_test_command cdrouter_basic_1 {
    Event_wait_seconds 20

buddy::pre_test_command cdrouter_basic_2 {
    Event_wait_seconds 10

buddy::post_test_command cdrouter_basic_3 {
    Event_wait_seconds 10

buddy::pre_test_command cdrouter_basic_100 {
    Event_wait_seconds 10

buddy::post_test_command cdrouter_basic_100 {
    Event_wait_seconds 20