The License Server

The license server is a Linux-based local license server that customers deploying to Docker or dev/staging/fail-over environments must run independent from their CloudShark system.

This guide explains how to install, configure, and run the license server on Rocky Linux 8.


The license server is available by downloading here:



QA Cafe recommends a VM or bare-metal server be configured specifically to run the license server in your environment. This is not able to run inside a Docker container, or on an ephemeral host. It is possible to run on the Docker host however. Some deployment scenarios may require a bare-metal server. Please work with QA Cafe Support on determining the appropriate location to install. For testing and initial staging purposes, you may install it on multiple hosts, however for access to your permanent licenses, it must be installed and locked to a single machine.

Your CloudShark systems must be able to reach the license server over the network. As every customer’s network architecture is different, this is left up to you to ensure works.


Use your package manager to install the RPM from the command-line. There are no dependencies, and the license server does not need to connect to the internet.

dnf localinstall ./qacafe-rlm-16.0.3-1.el8.x86_64.rpm


The license server can be run with systemd configuration scripts. You can download the qacafe-rlm.service systemd service file and copy it to the /usr/lib/systemd/system/ directory on your license server. Then you can start the license server by running:

useradd -r -M -s /sbin/nologin cloudshark
mkdir -p /usr/cloudshark/etc/licenses
systemctl enable --now qacafe-rlm.service

If you do not have systemd, you should run the following binary in the background to provide license service.

mkdir -p /usr/cloudshark/etc/licenses
/usr/qacafe/bin/rlm -noudp -nows -c /usr/cloudshark/etc/licenses


If you are running a firewall, additional rules will need to be added to allow access to the license server. The license server binds to a random ephemeral port when it comes up. We recommend permitting access to all TCP ports from your CloudShark systems. 

  • 5053/tcp for the main license server
  • All TCP ephemeral ports for product license checkouts

To permit access to these TCP ports on a RHEL/Rocky 8 Linux system, run the following commands:

firewall-cmd --add-port=5053/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --add-port=32768-60999/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

If you are not able to use port 5053 for your license server, please contact QA Cafe Support for assistance.


In order to issue CloudShark licenses for your environment, you will need to register your license server with QA Cafe Support. Enter the following command to print your host ID:

/usr/qacafe/bin/rlmutil rlmhostid ether

Please copy and paste the host ID into an email to and our staff will create your permanent license. Once they have fulfilled your request, your license will appear in the QA Cafe Lounge and be available to download.

Install New Licenses

The license server will server the licenses stored in the /usr/cloudshark/etc/licenses/ directory. Copy the licenses downloaded from the QA Cafe Customer Lounge to this directory and run the following command to reload the license directory:

systemctl restart qacafe-rlm


If you run into any issues running the license server the log files can be displayed by running the command:

journalctl -u qacafe-rlm

Note that by default log files will not persist when the operating system is rebooted. To configure persistem logfiles please run:

mkdir -p /var/log/journal
systemd-tmpfiles --create --prefix /var/log/journal
systemctl restart systemd-journald

When contacting support for assistance please run the following command which will output the logs to the file qacafe-rlm.log and attach this file to the email:

journalctl -u qacafe-rlm > qacafe-rlm.log