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Can I test guest access on an SMB share with CDRouter Storage?

Yes, “guest” access can be tested with the CDRouter Storage expansion.

If guest access on the specified share is not allowed, the guest testvar should be set to no. In these scenarios CDRouter will connect to the SMB server using the username and password specified.

By default CDRouter assumes that guest access is not permitted. If guest access is permitted for the specified share, the username and password testvars may be omitted. Testvars can be omitted by commenting them out, removing them entirely from the smbuser testvar _group definition, or leaving them empty (which is indicated by setting the testvar value to double quotes, “”). If the username and password testvars are omitted, CDRouter assumes the specified share allows guest access.

With CDRouter Storage you can easily ensure that shares with guest access enabled work as expected. You can also ensure that configured users have access to shares with guest access.

Example Configurations

Guest access on the “public” share:

testvar_group smbuser1 {
    testvar server     myNAS
    testvar share      public
    testvar guest      yes
    testvar permission ReadWrite

Guest access on the “public” share with user qacafe. This config can be used to ensure that user qacafe can indeed access the “public” share which has guest access enabled.

testvar_group smbuser2 {
    testvar server     myNAS
    testvar share      public
    testvar folder     data
    testvar guest      yes
    testvar user       qacafe
    testvar password   qacafe123
    testvar permission ReadWrite