Does CDRouter support HTTP POST for TR-069 file uploads?

No. In some test cases from CDRouter’s TR-069 test module expansion, the ACS issues an Upload RPC request to the CPE to initiate a file transfer from the CPE to a remote file server via HTTP.

The CPE device is required to use an HTTP PUT method to perform this file transfer. CDRouter does not support a file transfer to be performed via an HTTP POST.

According to the TR-069 specification, the CPE device is only permitted to use HTTP PUT methods to perform HTTP/HTTPS data transfers to complete an Upload RPC. From TR-069 (Amendment 4), Sec A.4.1.5: “Upload”:

Table 53 – Upload arguments

Argument    Type            Description
URL         string(256)     URL, as defined in [12], specifying the destination file location. HTTP
                            and HTTPS transports MUST be supported. Other optional transports, as
                            specified in Section 2.3.2, MAY be supported. When performing an upload
                            to the URL specified by this argument, the CPE MUST make use of the HTTP
                            PUT method.