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Troubleshooting Start Up

If an error occurs while CloudShark is starting up, you will see an error page instead of the login window.

This error message will contain information for our support team to help troubleshoot the specific error that you are seeing. Here are some of the common reasons that CloudShark might be unable to start-up.


Seeing this error usually means there is some issue with the Memcached server. Memcached is required to be available to CloudShark during start-up. If CloudShark is unable to connect to the memcached server you will see an error page during start-up stating:

Dalli::RingError: No server available

Memcached might become unavailable because the memcached service is not running. To see if the memcached service is running use the command systemctl status memcached. This command will report if the service is stopped or running. If the service is stopped run systemctl start memcached as root to start memcached. Once memcached is running restart CloudShark with the command service cloudshark restart as root to see if this resolves the issue.

The configuration file /etc/sysconfig/memcached may also be misconfigured. This file should contain the following configuration:


CloudShark needs to be able to connect to memcached over port 11211 on localhost. 

If you are still receiving error messages please contact