How do I assign an IPv6 address to the management interface of my NTA1000?

Note: This article applies to NTA1000 v5 and v6 systems, or older systems that have been upgraded to a 5.x or 6.x system image.

By default, NTA1000 systems are configured to not assign a global IPv6 address to the management interface. A link local IPv6 address may be defined. To configure a global IPv6 address on the management interface, simply edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 as the root user.

Newer NTA1000 systems may have example sections in the ifcfg-eth0 file for:

  • No IPv6
  • IPv6 autoconf
  • IPv6 DHCP
  • IPv6 static

Uncomment (remove the leading # from) the section you wish to use, and leave the other IPv6 sections commented out.

If your NTA1000 does not have example sections in the ifcfg-eth0 file, you can create them yourself using the following:

### No IPv6 ###

### IPv6 autoconf ###

### IPv6 DHCP ###

### IPv6 static ###

Again, be sure to uncomment (remove the leading # from ) the section you wish to use, and leave the other IPv6 sections commented out.

Note that the IPv6 static section shows sample values for

  • DNS2

You’ll need to change these to values that work in your network.

Save and close the file, then restart the eth0 interface as the root user:

ifdown eth0
ifup eth0