Configure the country code for wireless interfaces

Starting with CDRouter 12.5 the method for changing the 802.11 wireless regulatory domain on a CDRouter system has changed.

Previously, the regulatory domain of the system could be changed temporarily at the start of a test run using the testvar wirelessCountryCode. With CDRouter 12.5 or newer, the wirelessCountryCode testvar is obsolete. The regulatory domain must now be changed globally on the system using a script that is provided with CDRouter.

The regulatory domain determines the set of wireless channels that may be used based on country specific regulations and restrictions. The regulatory domain should be set properly based on the physical location of each CDRouter system. CDRouter will automatically query the system as needed to determine the list of valid, supported wireless channels based on the configured regulatory domain.

Running the script with no arguments will display the current regulatory domain of the system, expressed as a two character ISP 3166-1 alpha-2 country code:


To change the regulatory domain, run the script with a valid two character country code as an argument. For example, to change the regulatory domain of the system to Japan, run the script with the country code JP as an argument:

/usr/cdrouter/bin/cdrouter-regdomain JP

Once set, the regulatory domain of the system is persistent through reboots.

The default regulatory domain on all NTA systems shipped by QA Cafe is US. The cdrouter-regdomain script is only required if the default regulatory domain of the system needs to be changed.

NOTE: The Intel wireless cards auto-detect the regulatory domain based on various system settings and locale information. It is not possible to change regulatory domain of Intel wireless cards using the cdrouter-regdomain script highlighted here.