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CDRouter BBF.069 Test Summaries

Test Case Summaries

  • Modules: 26
  • Test Cases: 125

Below is a summary of the testcases in each module


Tests DHCPv4 options and functionality

Test Name Synopsis
5_001_DHCPv4_ACS_discovery ACS Discovery Using DHCPv4
5_003_DHCPv4_ACS_rediscovery ACS rediscovery Using DHCPv4
5_005_DHCPv4_Inform_retry DHCP Retry to the DHCPv4 Server
5_012_DHCPv4_null_term_URL Handling Null Terminated ACS URL Obtained From DHCPv4 Server


Tests DHCPv6 options and functionality.

Test Name Synopsis
5_002_DHCPv6_ACS_discovery ACS Discovery Using DHCPv6
5_004_DHCPv6_ACS_rediscovery ACS Rediscovery Using DHCPv6
5_006_DHCPv6_Inform_retry DHCP Retry To The DHCPv6 Server
5_013_DHCPv6_null_term_URL Handling Null Terminated ACS URL Obtained From DHCPv6 Server


Tests the handling DHCP URL discovery.

Test Name Synopsis
5_011_Same_mechanism_after_factoryReset Connection To ACS Uses Same Mechanism After Factory Reset


Tests the handling of sessions.

Test Name Synopsis
5_007_session_init_term Session Initiation And Termination
5_008_session_init_term_no_rpc Session Initiation And Termination With No RPC
5_009_Persistent_TCP Persistent TCP Connection Across A Single CWMP Session
5_010_Multiple_TCP_conn Multiple TCP Connections Across A single CWMP Session
5_027_session_cookies_transactions Use of Multiple Session Cookies Across Transactions in a Session


Tests the handling of retrying sessions.

Test Name Synopsis
5_028_session_retry Session Retry


Tests functionality specific to the ACS URL.

Test Name Synopsis
5_014_DNS_server Handling DNS Server Response
5_015_ACS_URL_mod ACS Modifies URL
5_101_change_ACS_username_password Change ACS Username And Password


Tests the behavior of Informs and Events.

Test Name Synopsis
5_017_ACS_param_mod Parameters modified by ACS do not create a '4 VALUE CHANGE' inform event to the ACS
5_018_event_discard_after_bootstrap Event Discard After Bootstrap Inform
5_019_conn_request Connection After Connection Request
5_020_conn_request_session_exists Connection Request While Session Exists
5_021_conn_after_interval Connection after PeriodicInformInterval
5_098_inform_ip_address_change Inform On IP Address Change
5_099_no_inform_ip_address_change No Inform On Reconnect With No IP Address Change
5_106_inform_matches_deviceinfo Inform Parameters Should Match DeviceInfo
5_107_device_timeout_acs_slow Device Times Out If ACS Is Slow


Tests the functionality of secure CWMP sessions.

Test Name Synopsis
5_022_conn_SSL Connection Establishment using SSL 3.0
5_023_conn_TLS Connection Establishment using TLS
5_024_conn_TLS_1_2 Connection Establishment using TLS 1.2
5_025_commonName_validation Common Name Certificate Validation
5_026_invalid_SSL_certificate_reject Rejection of Invalid certificate
5_033_redirect_HTTPS_matching_certificate HTTP Redirection HTTPS with URL Matching Certificate
5_034_redirect_HTTPS_mismatched_certificate HTTP Redirection HTTPS with URL/Certificate Mismatch
5_108_certificates_used_no_ntp Use of Certificates In The Absence Of NTP


Tests the functionality of SOAP and HTTP.

Test Name Synopsis
5_029_SOAP_response SOAP Response in an HTTP Request
5_038_basic_authentication HTTP Authentication - Basic Authentication
5_039_QOP_authentication Qop Authentication setting
5_040_digest_authentication HTTP Authentication - Digest Authentication
5_041_maximum_SOAP_message Maximum SOAP Message Size
5_042_SPV_SOAP_Fault SetParameterValues SOAP Fault Format
5_095_xml_namespace_prefix_validation XML Namespace Prefix Validation
5_096_receive_chunked_encoding DUT Receives Chunked Transfer Encoding
5_097_DUT_properly_encodes_and_decodes_XML_entities DUT Properly Encodes And Decodes XML Entities
5_109_content_length_encoding DUT Receives Content-Length Encoding


Tests the functionality of HTTP redirection.

Test Name Synopsis
5_030_redirect_302 HTTP Redirection Test - 302 Redirect
5_031_redirect_307 HTTP Redirection Test - 307 Redirect
5_032_redirect_multiple_redirections HTTP Redirection - Multiple Redirections
5_035_redirect_in_session Redirection At Any Point In A Session
5_036_redirect_cookies HTTP Redirection - Use Of Session Cookies
5_037_redirect_response_data Redirect HTTP Response Contains Data


Tests the functionality of the GetRPCMethods RPC.

Test Name Synopsis
5_043_GetRPCMethods 5_043_GetRPCMethods And Required RPCs


Tests the functionality of the GetParameterNames RPC.

Test Name Synopsis
5_044_GPN_complete_path GetParameterNames - Complete Path
5_045_GPN_complete_NLT GetParameterNames - Complete Path - Next Level True
5_046_A_GPN_partial_NLT GetParameterNames - Partial Path - Next Level True - Single-Instance Object
5_046_B_GPN_partial_NLT GetParameterNames - Partial Path - Next Level True - Multi-Instance Object - Empty
5_046_C_GPN_partial_NLT GetParameterNames - Partial Path - Next Level True - Multi-Instance Object - Nonempty
5_047_A_GPN_partial_NLF GetParameterNames - Partial Path - Next Level False - Single-Instance Object
5_047_B_GPN_partial_NLF GetParameterNames - Partial Path - Next Level False - Multi-Instance Object - Empty
5_047_C_GPN_partial_NLF GetParameterNames - Partial Path - Next Level False - Multi-Instance Object - Nonempty
5_048_GPN_invalid_path GetParameterNames - Invalid Path
5_049_GPN_entire_object_model GetParameterNames - Entire Object Model


Tests the functionality of the GetParameterValues RPC.

Test Name Synopsis
5_050_GPV_simple_complete_path GetParameterValues - Simple Complete Path
5_051_GPV_multiple_complete GetParameterValues - Multiple Complete Paths
5_052_GPV_partial_path GetParameterValues - Partial Path
5_053_GPV_complete_partial GetParameterValues - Complete and Partial Paths
5_054_GPV_entire_object_model GetParameterValues - Entire Object Model
5_055_GPV_fault_condition GetParameterValues - Fault condition


Tests the functionality of the SetParameterValues RPC.

Test Name Synopsis
5_056_SPV_single_parameter SetParameterValues - Single Parameter
5_057_SPV_multiple_parameter SetParameterValues - Multiple Parameter
5_058_SPV_same_param_multiple_times SetParameterValues - Same Parameter Multiple Times
5_059_SPV_atomic SetParameterValues - Atomic Test


Tests the functionality of the GetParameterAttributes RPC.

Test Name Synopsis
5_060_GPA_complete_path GetParameterAttributes - Complete Path
5_061_GPA_multiple_complete_path GetParameterAttributes - Multiple Complete Path
5_062_GPA_partial_path GetParameterAttributes - Partial Path
5_063_GPA_complete_partial_path GetParameterAttributes - Complete and Partial Path
5_064_GPA_invalid_param_name GetParameterAttributes - Invalid Parameter Name
5_065_GPA_partial_path_empty GetParameterAttributes - Partial Path Empty


Tests the functionality of the SetParameterAttributes RPC.

Test Name Synopsis
5_066_SPA_Active_notif SetParameterAttributes - Active Notifications
5_067_SPA_Active_notif_persist SetParameterAttributes - Active Notifications Persistence
5_068_SPA_atomic SetParameterAttributes - Atomic
5_069_SPA_complete_path_passive_notif SetParameterAttributes - Passive Notification - Complete Path
5_070_SPA_partial_path_passive_notif SetParameterAttributes - Passive Notification - Partial Path
5_071_SPA_complete_partial_path_passive_notif SetParameterAttributes Passive Notification Complete and Partial Path
5_072_SPA_disable_notif SetParameterAttributes Disable Notification
5_073_SPA_incorrect_param_name SetParameterAttributes Incorrect Parameter Name


Tests the functionality of the Add and Delete Objects RPCs.

Test Name Synopsis
5_074_addObject AddObject
5_075_addObject_error AddObject - Error Conditions
5_076_deleteObject DeleteObject
5_077_deleteObject_error Delete Object - Error Conditions


Tests the handling of Reboots and the functionality of the Reboot RPC.

Test Name Synopsis
5_078_reboot Reboot
5_079_Manual_Reboot Manual Reboot


Tests the functionality of the Download RPC. This package requires editing of the config file to include complete Firmware paths.

Test Name Synopsis
5_080_download Download Test - Basic Version Upgrade
5_081_download_queuing Download Test - Queuing
5_082_download_delay Download Test - Delay
5_083_download_retry Download Test - Session Retry


Tests the functionality of the Upload RPC.

Test Name Synopsis
5_085_upload Upload
5_086_upload_queuing Upload - Queuing
5_087_upload_delay Upload - Delay


Tests the functionality of various conditional functions and RPCs.

Test Name Synopsis
5_016_ACS_URL_mod_3rd_party ACS URL Change On The DUT By Third Party Means
5_084_cancel_transfer CancelTransfer
5_088_ScheduleInform 5_088_ScheduleInform
5_089_factoryReset FactoryReset
5_094_all_queued_transfers 5_094_all_queued_transfers
5_100_enable_cwmp_to_false EnableCWMP Set To False
5_105_default_active_notification_throttle DefaultActiveNotificationThrottle Throttles Active Notifications


Tests the handling of common CWMP Faults.

Test Name Synopsis
5_090_CWMP_Faults_basic_RPC CWMP Faults - Basic RPC Faults
5_091_CWMP_Faults_Download CWMP Faults - Download Failure
5_092_CWMP_Faults_Upload CWMP Faults Upload Failure


Tests the functionality of IPPing Diagnostics.

Test Name Synopsis
5_093_diagnostics Run Diagnostics


Tests the functionality of Periodic Informs.

Test Name Synopsis
5_102_periodic_inform_enable PeriodInformEnable Enables Periodic Informs
5_103_periodic_inform_time_past PeriodicInformTime In The Past Controls Periodic Inform
5_104_periodic_inform_time_future PeriodicInformTime in the future controls Periodic Inform


Tests the handling of different boolean parameters.

Test Name Synopsis
5_110_BPC Boolean Parameter Configuration


Tests the functionality of the DUT using XMPP.

Test Name Synopsis
5_111_xmpp_secure Establishing Secured Connection to XMPP Server
5_112_xmpp_maintain_connection Maintain Connection to XMPP Server
5_113_xmpp_srv_lookup SRV Lookup of XMPP Server
5_115_xmpp_reestablish Re-establish Connection to XMPP Server
5_116_xmpp_connect_before_cwmp Establish XMPP Connection before CWMP Session
5_117_xmpp_connect_success Successful XMPP Connection Request
5_118_xmpp_invalid_request Invalid XMPP Connection Request
5_119_xmpp_correct_jabber_id ConnReqAllowedJabberIDs Parameter Matches
5_120_xmpp_incorrect_jabber_id ConnReqAllowedJabberIDs Parameter Does Not Match
5_121_xmpp_bad_username ConnectionRequestUsername Parameter Does Not Match
5_122_xmpp_bad_password ConnectionRequestPassword Parameter Does Not Match