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Main { NetworkAccess 1; BaselinePrivacy { AuthTimeout 10; ReAuthTimeout 10; AuthGraceTime 600; OperTimeout 1; ReKeyTimeout 1; TEKGraceTime 600; AuthRejectTimeout 60; SAMapWaitTimeout 1; SAMapMaxRetries 4; } MaxCPE 3; UsServiceFlow { UsServiceFlowRef 2; QosParamSetType 7; } DsServiceFlow { DsServiceFlowRef 1; QosParamSetType 7; } SNMPv1v2cCoexistenceConfig { SNMPv1v2cCommunityName "public"; SNMPv1v2cTransportAddressAccess { SNMPv1v2cTransportAddress; SNMPv1v2cTransportAddressMask; } SNMPv1v2cAccessViewType 2; SNMPv1v2cAccessViewName "docsisManagerView"; } /* CmMic e07f5ace4d2b69cfd8d65cdeb30f739c; */ /* CmtsMic 08187b8a159f0fa6021fa95be0be5a59; */ /*EndOfDataMkr*/ }


This parameter specifies the contents of the DOCSIS config file that CDRouter will provide to the CM’s DHCP client via TFTP during start.

The DOCSIS config file will be encoded at run time and placed on the system in the directory specified by the testvar the testvar docsisTftpServerDirectory. The config file name can be specified using the testvar docsisTftpBootFile.

The DOCSIS config file location and name will be provided dynamically to the DOCSIS client by CDRouter’s DOCSIS DHCP server using the DHCP TFTP Server Name option (option 66) and the Boot file name field, respectively.

Note that the IP address of CDRouter’s integrated DOCSIS TFTP server can be specified using the testvar docsisTftpServer. The docsisTftpServer address will be included in the TFTP Server Name option (option 66) in DHCP messages sent by CDRouter to the CM’s DHCP client.

This testvar was added in CDRouter 10.3