
Value Type


Default Value

This testvar’s default value is computed dynamically and may not always be the value below. Please see the testvar’s description for details.


This parameter specifies the IP address assigned by CDRouter to its WAN test interface. This is CDRouter’s WAN IP address and represents the simulated ISP IP address and next-hop gateway for the DUT.

This address also serves as CDRouter’s DHCP server address or PPPoE server address, depending on how the wanMode testvar is set. CDRouter’s DHCP server will assign this address in Option 3 (Router) for the DUT to use as its default gateway.

If not defined in a WAN interface group, this testvar’s default is computed using the WAN interface group number. For example, if wanIspIp is in the main testvar group, then wanIspIp would default to in the testvar group wan2, in the testvar group wan3, etc..