Does CDRouter support ACS discovery?

Yes, CDRouter supports ACS discovery via DHCP and DHCPv6.

CDRouter supports ACS discovery as outlined in Section 3.1 of TR-069 Amendment 5. This feature is enabled by default when TR-069 is enabled. When the DHCP server receives a client request containing either the Vendor Class option 60 or the V-I Vendor Class option 124 with the value, the DHCP server will include DHCP Vendor Specific option 43 or 125, respectively in the response indicating the location of the ACS server.

By default, CDRouter will use the format transport://ip_of_acs:port/. This feature is also supported using DHCPv6 using DHCPv6 Vendor Class option 16 and DHCPv6 Vendor Specific option 17.

You may also set the ACS URL to a specific value. This may be required when using DNS names or HTTPS transport for your ACS connections.

testvar acsDiscoveryUrl

ACS Discovery may be turned off by setting the testvar acsDiscoveryUrl to none. For example:

testvar acsDiscoveryUrl none