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CDRouter TR-069 supports devices that implement the TR-104 and TR-135 Parameter models. The TR-104 and TR-135 Parameter models may either be embedded within an InternetGatewayDevice (IGD + VoIP) or standalone VoIP ATA or STB.

Currently, only the od128.tcl and tr104_profiles.tcl or tr135_profiles.tcl test modules support TR-104 and TR-135 parameters, respectively.

The testvar tr69DeviceType tells CDRouter what general parameter models to expect from a device. This testvar accepts a comma separated list of IGD, VoIP, or STB device. The first device specified will be used for the default when running OD-128 tests.

To enable a standalone TR-104 device:

testvar tr69DeviceType VoIP

To enable a standalone TR-135 device:

testvar tr69DeviceType STB

To enable TR-104 support embedded within an IGD device but defaulting to TR-104 parameters when running OD-128:

testvar tr69DeviceType "VoIP,IGD"

To enable TR-104 support embedded within an IGD device but defaulting to TR-098/IGD parameters when running OD-128:

testvar tr69DeviceType "IGD,VoIP"