TR-069 CWMP Scenario Scripting Guide
Users may create CWMP scenarios to easily set and verify CWMP parameters on their device. CWMP scenarios are small text based scripts that define interactions between the CDRouter ACS and the CPE device under test.
There are two ways to execute CWMP scenario script files.
cwmpScenarioPath - This testvar specifies the location of a scenario script that will be executed by the cwmp_scenarios.tcl test module, which can be added to your test package to run among all other tests.
cwmpScenarioBootstrap - This testvar specifies the scenario script file that can be executed during the start procedure at the beginning of a test run. This can be useful if you need the ACS to perform custom configuration of the DUT prior to starting any tests.
To get started with CWMP scenarios, create a CWMP scenario script file on the local disk of your CDRouter system. The scenario script file may contain one or more “scenario” blocks denoted by the “CWMP” keyword. Each “scenario” contains one or more “commands” from the list below, which direct the ACS to send CWMP RPC messages to the DUT and interpret the response.
Once you have created your scenario script file, update your config file with the full path to your scenario file(s):
testvar cwmpScenarioPath /usr/cdrouter-data/custom/files/verification_scenario.cwmp
testvar cwmpScenarioBootstrap /usr/cdrouter-data/custom/files/bootstrap_scenario.cwmp
Scenario Script Format
Each CWMP scenario script file may contain one or more scenario blocks which are executed as a unit. Each scenario block is defined by the CWMP keyword and a unique name for the scenario block, followed by a list of commands to execute, all enclosed in curly braces (’{ }’).
CWMP example_scenario {
Each command is a keyword that may also have a number of arguments enclosed in curly braces. The table below lists all of the available commands that can be used in a scenario block:
Available Commands |
GetParameterValues |
SetParameterValues |
GetParameterAttributes |
SetParameterAttributes |
AddObject |
DeleteObject |
GetParameterNames |
Reboot |
Open |
Close |
Delay |
DelaySeconds |
Log |
Event |
Download |
Upload |
TransferComplete |
Simple Examples
Here is a simple CWMP scenario block that specifies a single command: GetParameterValues. This causes the ACS to send a GetParameterValues RPC to the DUT for the “Device.Time.” object path.
CWMP example_scenario {
GetParameterValues {
# get all the Time parameters
parameter Device.Time.
Some commands, like GetParameterValues correspond directly to a CWMP RPC method. In some cases, the command may contain additional arguments that tell CDRouter how to handle the result. For example, you can verify whether returned parameters match specific values by using the “verify” command.
CWMP example_scenario {
GetParameterValues {
# get all the Time parameters
parameter Device.Time.
# verify the NTPServer1 matches the expected address
verify Device.Time.NTPServer1
Scenario Commands
CWMP Scenarios contain commands that map directly to TR-069 RPCs. For
example, to set specific parameters, use the SetParametervalues
command. To read the values of parameters, use the GetParameterValues
command. The AddObject
and DeleteObject
commands are used to create
and delete instances.
GetParameterValues Command
The GetParameterValues
command sends a GetParameterValues RPC request
to the DUT.
GetParameterValues {
The command must specify one or more parameters using the parameter argument. This parameter may be a full or partial path, and may contain wildcards. (Note: wildcard support was added to CDRouter in version 11.3, and can only be used with CPE’s that support the TR-069 Amendment 6 specification.)
GetParameterValues {
parameter Device.ManagementServer.URL
parameter Device.Time.
parameter Device.IP.Interface.*.Status
verify argument
The optional
argument is used to verify any value returned by theGetParameterValues
. By default,verify
will check to ensure that the value of the specified parameter exactly matches<value>
.GetParameterValues { parameter Device.ManagementServer.URL verify Device.ManagementServer.URL "" }
Additional keywords are available to modify this behavior. These keywords and their arguments must be specified in square brackets.
[ any ]
keyword ensures the parameter exists without regard for its value. This is useful for parameters such as packet counters which may be constantly changing. Empty (null) values are also acceptable.verify Device.Time.NTPServer1 [ any ]
[ accept … ]
argument can also be configured to accept a list of values using the syntax[ accept value1 value2 ... ]
. The value returned by theGetParameterValues
call will then be compared to the list of acceptable values.verify Device.Time.NTPServer1 [ accept ]
To verify a boolean value that may return either true or 1:
verify Device.ManagementServer.PeriodicInformEnable [ accept true 1 ]
[ regexp … ]
argument can compare the value returned by theGetParameterValues
call against a TCL regular expression if the exact value is not known. Any valid TCL regular expression string may be used and should be enclosed in curly braces (’{}’).verify Device.Time.NTPServer1 [ regexp {[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+} ]
block argument
One or more
arguments can be specified to perform custom validation on any parameter returned by theGetParameterValues
call. Theblock
argument is followed by a section of TCL code which can be designed to iterate over each parameter returned by the DUT and validate them individually as needed.The special
TCL array variable contains all of the parameters returned by theGetParameterValues
call as key,value pairs. Theparams
array also contains a “count” index whose value is the number of parameters returned.Validation code within the
can call thebuddy::PASS
methods to report results into the test log file.block { #- Make sure we did not get 0 parameters puts "Starting my own validation" set count $params(count) buddy::logInfo "I found $count parameters" if { "$count" == 0 } { buddy::FAIL "I was expecting 0 parameters" } else { buddy::PASS "Okay I did not find 0 parameter values" } #- Verify Device.DNS.Client.Server.{i}. Table set count [ llength [ array names params "Device.DNS.Client.Server.{i}.Status" ] ] puts "Received $count entries in Device.DNS.Client.Server.{i}. table." if { $count == $params(Device.DNS.Client.ServerNumberOfEntries) } { buddy::PASS "ServerNumberOfEntries parameter matches actual number of parameters received." } else { buddy::FAIL "ServerNumberOfEntries parameter does not match actual number of parameters received." } foreach i [array names params "Device.DNS.Client.Server.*.Status"] { if { $params($i) != "Enabled" } { buddy::FAIL "$params($i) is not Enabled." } else { buddy::PASS "$params($i) is Enabled." } } }
SetParameterValues Command
This command will send a SetParameterValues RPC to the DUT with one or more parameters to modify with given values.
SetParameterValues {
parameter argument
command must specify a parameter using the “parameter” argument along with its value and its type.SetParameterValues { parameter Device.ManagementServer.PeriodicInformEnable 1 boolean }
Note that inclusion of the type attribute is required in a SetParameterValues request, according to section 3.5 of TR-069 Amendment 6. In order to support arbitrary, vendor-defined parameter names in CWMP scenario files, you must specify the type of the parameter you wish to set.
The ACS will automatically include this type in the outgoing XML “<Value …>” encoding of the SetParameterValues RPC message:
<cwmp:SetParameterValues> <ParameterList SOAP-ENC:arrayType="cwmp:ParameterValueStruct[1]"> <ParameterValueStruct> <Name>Device.ManagementServer.PeriodicInformEnable</Name> <Value xsi:type="xsd:boolean">1</Value> </ParameterValueStruct> </ParameterList> <ParameterKey>cdrouter</ParameterKey> </cwmp:SetParameterValues>
If the “parameter” argument is specified without a type field, the ACS will omit the type attribute in the outgoing XML “<Value>” encoding:
<cwmp:SetParameterValues> <ParameterList SOAP-ENC:arrayType="cwmp:ParameterValueStruct[1]"> <ParameterValueStruct> <Name>Device.ManagementServer.PeriodicInformEnable</Name> <Value>1</Value> </ParameterValueStruct> </ParameterList> <ParameterKey>cdrouter</ParameterKey> </cwmp:SetParameterValues>
faultcode argument
The faultcode argument is optional and may be used to specify an expected CWMP Fault Code value:
faultcode 9005
A CWMP scenario will create a FAIL result if a
command produces a SOAP fault. However, if a SOAP fault is expected, the expected faultcode may be configured. If a fault does not occur or the fault code does not match, the scenario will be set to a FAIL. This is very useful for negative testing.SetParameterValues { parameter InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.does_not_exist faultcode 9003 }
GetParameterAttributes Command
The GetParameterAttributes command sends a GetParameterAttributes RPC request to the DUT.
GetParameterAttributes {
This command functions exactly the same as the GetParameterValues
The parameter
argument is used to specify a parameter to request in the RPC.
GetParameterAttributes {
parameter Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime
The verify
argument can be used to validate the Notification values in the
GetParameterAttributesResponse. All the special values, except regexp
, can
be used with verify
in the GetParameterValues
GetParameterAttributes {
parameter Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime
# Only check if the parameter is i the response
verify Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime [any]
# Check if the Notification value is either 2, 4, or 6
verify Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime [accept 2 4 6 ]
# Check if the Notification value is 1
verify Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime 1
SetParameterAttributes Command
This command will send a SetParameterAttributes RPC to the DUT with one or more parameters to modify with given values.
SetParameterAttributes {
The SetParameterAttributes
command must specify a parameter using the “parameter”
argument along with its Notification value as defined by Table 25 of TR-69 Amendment 6.
SetParameterAttributes {
# Set an active notification on UpTime
parameter Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime 2
This command only allows the setting of the parameter name and notification value
in the SetParameterAttributes RPC. In the RPC that is sent to the DUT,
NotificationChange will always be true
, AccessListChange will always be false
and AccessList will always be empty.
The above example will result in the following SOAP message.
<ParameterList SOAP-ENC:arrayType="cwmp:SetParameterAttributesStruct[1]">
<AccessList SOAP-ENC:arrayType="xsd:string[0]"/>
AddObject Command
Objects can be created using the AddObject
AddObject {
The path argument is used to specify the path for the object.
path <path to object>
The instance %<name>%
argument is used to capture the instance number
of the new object returned by the DUT. The instance number can be
referenced in other scenario commands using %<name%
. See the example below to see how this works.
instance %<name>%
DeleteObject Command
Objects can be deleted using the DeleteObject
DeleteObject {
The path argument is
used to specify the path to the deleted object. Paths can reference instance
values created in previous AddObject
commands using %NAME%.
path <path to object>
CWMP port_map_example {
# -- Create a Port Map
AddObject {
path InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.2.WANIPConnection.1.PortMapping.
instance INSTANCE1
# -- Read all the default values
GetParameterValues {
parameter InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.2.WANIPConnection.1.PortMapping.%INSTANCE1%.
# -- Read again, but verify some of them
GetParameterValues {
parameter InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.2.WANIPConnection.1.PortMapping.%INSTANCE1%.
verify InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.2.WANIPConnection.1.PortMapping.%INSTANCE1%.RemoteHost {}
verify InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.2.WANIPConnection.1.PortMapping.%INSTANCE1%.ExternalPort {0}
# -- Set a parameter
SetParameterValues {
parameter InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.2.WANIPConnection.1.PortMapping.%INSTANCE1%.ExternalPort {BadValue}
faultcode 9003
# -- Verify the Set
GetParameterValues {
parameter InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.2.WANIPConnection.1.PortMapping.%INSTANCE1%.ExternalPort
verify InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.2.WANIPConnection.1.PortMapping.%INSTANCE1%.ExternalPort {0}
# -- Delete the Port Map
DeleteObject {
path InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.2.WANIPConnection.1.PortMapping.%INSTANCE1%.
GetParameterNames Command
The GetParameterNames
command must specify a parameter using the parameter
argument. This parameter may be a full or partial path.
GetParameterNames {
parameter <parameter path>
The writable argument is used to verify the writable status of any parameter
returned by the GetParameterNames
. The writable argument is optional and
multiple writable arguments may be specified.
writable <parameter path> <true|false>
The nextlevel
argument controls the nextlevel
flag passed to the
RPC. It accepts values of true, false, 1, or 0.
CWMP get_parameter_names_example {
GetParameterNames {
# get all the Time parameters
parameter InternetGatewayDevice.Time.
nextlevel false
# verify the writeable status for a few names
writable InternetGatewayDevice.Time.NTPServer1 true
writable InternetGatewayDevice.Time.CurrentLocalTime false
writable InternetGatewayDevice.Time.X_00247B_UpdateFrequency true
The GetParameterNames command was added in CDRouter 8.1.
Reboot Command
The Reboot
command sends the Reboot RPC to the CPE. Note: The CWMP session is
not automatically closed after the Reboot RPC is sent. It is possible to perform
other CWMP actions in the current session. If desired, the Close command may be
sent after the Reboot RPC to end the current session and start the reboot
CWMP reboot_example {
The Reboot command was added in CDRouter 8.1.
Open Command
The Open
command will initiate a new CWMP session if a current session does
not exist. The Open
command ends when an Inform is received from the device and the
ACS returns an InformResponse. This command is used for CWMP scenarios that want
more control over the CWMP session timing. Normally, a CWMP session is created
automatically by any command that requires a CWMP session.
The Open command was added in CDRouter 8.1.
Close Command
The Close
command will end any current CWMP session.
The Close command was added in CDRouter 8.1.
Delay and DelaySeconds Commands
The Delay
and DelaySeconds
commands can be used to insert an arbitrary delay
anywhere within the scenario file. This can be useful for investigating timing
issues between successive RPCs.
CWMP Delay_example {
# Pause for 60 seconds
Delay 60000
# Pause for 60 seconds
DelaySeconds 60
The Delay command was added in CDRouter 9.0. The DelaySeconds command was added in CDRouter 12.11.
Log command
The Log
command can be used to insert a user defined message into the log
file. This command can be used anywhere within a scenario file.
CWMP log_example {
Log "Here is an SPV for parameter X"
The Log command was added in CDRouter 9.0.
Event command
The Event
command can be used to make the ACS wait for one or more specific CWMP Event
Codes in the next Inform message sent by the DUT.
Event {
code <Event code>
timeout <seconds>
verify <parameter> <value>
code The
argument is used to specify the Event Code to wait for. If multiplecode
arguments are specified, all Event Codes must be received in the same Inform message. A separate pass/fail result will be reported for each one. Any additional Event Codes received in the Inform message will be silently ignored.Reboot Close Event { code "1 BOOT" code "M Reboot" }
timeout The optional
argument can be used to specify how many seconds the ACS should wait for the event to occur. By default CDRouter will wait 300 seconds for an event to occur. If the event specified bycode
is not received within the timeout period, theEvent
command will FAIL.Event { code "8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE" timeout 120 }
verify The
argument can be used to verify a specific parameter was included in in the Inform, and that the parameter has a specific value. Theverify
argument supports all the special values allowed by theverify
argument in the GetParameterValues command.Event { code "4 VALUE CHANGE" timeout 300 verify Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime [ regexp {[0-9]+} ] verify Device.ManagementServer.URL [any] verify Device.ManagementServer.SoftwareVersion 52.3.18 }
Download command
The Download command can be used to send a TR-069 Download
RPC request that specifies a URL for the DUT to download. The request
also specifies what type of file the URL points to (eg. “firmware” or
“config”). A “PASS” or “FAIL” will result depending on
whether the DUT accepts or rejects the request.
If the DUT accepts the Download
request, it will send a
to the ACS and attempt to fetch the specified URL.
It will then report the result back to the ACS in a TransferComplete
message when it has finished.
CDRouter will dynamically create a file server to handle all file
transfers from the DUT. The file server will use the same address family
and transport settings that ACS uses when communicating with the DUT.
For example, if acsTransport
is “https” and acsIp
is an IPv6 address, then the file server will also use https
and IPv6.
Note, the Download command is only used to send the Download RPC request and verify
if the DownloadResponse
was successful. The TransferComplete
scenario command can then be used to verify whether the DUT was able to
successfully fetch the URL.
Download {
filetype firmware
filepath /usr/cdrouter-data/custom/firmware/device_firmware_v1.3.bin
faultcode 0
delayseconds 0
commandkey "scenario download"
TransferComplete {
faultcode 0
timeout 30
commandkey "scenario download"
See the TransferComplete command below for details on processing TransferComplete messages from the DUT.
argument may be “firmware” or “config”, or any of the literal FileType enumerations specified in Sec A.3.2.8 of the TR-069 specification.filetype firmware filetype config filetype "1 Firmware Upgrade Image" filetype "2 Web Content" filetype “3 Vendor Configuration File” filetype “4 Tone File” filetype “5 Ringer File” filetype “6 Stored Firmware Image” filetype "X <VENDOR> <Vendor-specific identifier>"
Any other string may be specified with this argument in order to test invalid Download FileType scenarios (see
argument below). -
argument specifies the full path to a file that the DUT will be directed to download. If this argument is not specified, CDRouter will create a Download URL with a dummy filename. An invalid file path may be used along with the TransferComplete command to test unsuccessful download scenarios.Download { filetype firmware filepath /usr/cdrouter-data/custom/firmware/device_firmware_v1.3.bin }
The optionaldelayseconds
argument specifies the length of time that the DUT should wait before fetching the URL specified in the Download request. If not specified, the DUT should attempt to retrieve the file immediately. -
The optionalfaultcode
argument can be used to indicate that the DUT is expected to reject theDownload
request from the ACS and return a CWMP Fault instead of aDownloadResponse
. If this argument is specified, the Download command will “FAIL” if the DUT accepts theDownload
request or sends a CWMP Fault response with a differentFaultCode
value than expected.Download { filetype "Invalid_File_Type" filepath /usr/cdrouter-data/custom/firmware/device_firmware_v1.3.bin faultcode 9003 }
The conditions that cause a
request to be rejected are device-dependent and out of scope for this guide. See Sec A.3.2.8 of the TR-069 specification for information on possible causes of failures. -
The optionalurl
argument can be used to provide a custom URL to be used in theDownload
request sent to the DUT. In this case, thefilepath
argument will be ignored. This can be useful for providing alternative URL formats (eg. using domain names instead of IP addresses) to validate the DUT’s URL parsing. This argument can be used With the CDRouter ICS feature to download a URL from a remote server on a live network or the Internet.Download { filetype firmware url }
The optionalcommandkey
argument can be used to specify a unique string to be included in the Download request. The DUT should include this string in the correspondingTransferComplete
message when the file transfer has been completed. The TR-069 specification limits the CommandKey string to 32 characters. Sending strings longer than this maximum may cause the DUT to reject theDownload
Upload command
The Upload command can be used to send a TR-069 Upload
RPC request that specifies a URL for the DUT to upload files to. The request
also specifies what type of file the DUT should upload (eg. “config” or
“log”). A “PASS” or “FAIL” will result depending on
whether the DUT accepts or rejects the request.
If the DUT accepts the Upload
request, it will send a
to the ACS and attempt to upload its file to the specified URL.
It will then report the result back to the ACS in a TransferComplete
message when it has finished.
CDRouter will dynamically create a file server to handle all file
transfers from the DUT. The file server will use the same address family
and transport settings that ACS uses when communicating with the DUT.
For example, if acsTransport
is “https” and acsIp
is an IPv6 address, then the file server will also use https
and IPv6.
Note, the Upload command is only used to send the Upload RPC request and verify
if the UploadResponse
was successful. The TransferComplete
scenario command can then be used to verify whether the DUT was able to
successfully fetch the URL.
Upload {
filetype config
filepath /usr/cdrouter-data/custom/upload/device_log_file.txt
faultcode 0
delayseconds 0
commandkey "scenario download"
TransferComplete {
faultcode 9010
timeout 30
commandkey "scenario download"
See the TransferComplete command below for details on processing TransferComplete messages from the DUT.
argument may be “config” or “log”, or any of the literal FileType enumerations specified in Sec A.4.1.5 of the TR-069 specification.filetype config filetype log filetype “1 Vendor Configuration File” filetype “2 Vendor Log File” filetype “3 Vendor Configuration File <i>” filetype “4 Vendor Log File <i>”
Any other string may be specified with this argument in order to test invalid Upload FileType scenarios (see
argument below). -
argument specifies the full path (including file name) on the local system where the ACS will save the uploaded file. If this argument specifies a file that already exists, that file will automatically be overwritten with the file uploaded by the DUT.DUT will be directed to download. If this argument is not specified, CDRouter will create an Upload URL with a dummy filename. An invalid file path may be used along with the TransferComplete command to test unsuccessful download scenarios.
Upload { filetype log filepath /usr/cdrouter-data/custom/uploads/device_log_file.txt }
The optionaldelayseconds
argument specifies the length of time that the DUT should wait before uploading its file to the URL specified in the Upload request. If not specified, the DUT should attempt to upload the file immediately. -
The optionalfaultcode
argument can be used to indicate that the DUT is expected to reject theUpload
request from the ACS and return a CWMP Fault instead of aUploadResponse
. If this argument is specified, the Upload command will “FAIL” if the DUT accepts theUpload
request or sends a CWMP Fault response with a differentFaultCode
value than expected.Download { filetype "Invalid_File_Type" filepath /usr/cdrouter-data/custom/uploads/device_log_file.txt faultcode 9003 }
The conditions that cause an
request to be rejected are device-dependent and out of scope for this guide. See Sec A.4.1.5 of the TR-069 specification for information on possible causes of failures. -
The optionalurl
argument can be used to provide a custom URL to be used in theUpload
request sent to the DUT. In this case, thefilepath
argument will be ignored. This can be useful for providing alternative URL formats (eg. using domain names instead of IP addresses) to validate the DUT’s URL parsing. This argument can be used With the CDRouter ICS feature to upload to a URL at a remote server on a live network or the Internet.Download { filetype firmware url }
The optionalcommandkey
argument can be used to specify a unique string to be included in the Upload request. The DUT should include this string in the correspondingTransferComplete
message when the file transfer has been completed. The TR-069 specification limits the CommandKey string to 32 characters. Sending strings longer than this maximum may cause the DUT to reject theUpload
TransferComplete command
The TransferComplete command can be used to verify the details
received in a TransferComplete
RPC message from the DUT following file
transfer initiated by a prior Download
or Upload
command. The CWMP
scenario script file must specify TransferComplete commands in the order
they are expected to be received from the DUT. This may not always be
possible if file transfers from multiple prior Download
and Upload
commands are being reported at the same time.
TransferComplete {
faultcode 0
timeout 30
commandkey "scenario download"
argument specifies the FaultCode value that the DUT is expected to send. A code of “0” indicates that the file transfer was successful. -
timeout The optional
argument can be used to specify how long CDRouter should wait for the DUT to send theTransverComplete
message to the ACS. If this is not specified, the value of thetr69DownloadTimeout
testvar is used. -
argument specifies the CommandKey string that the DUT is expected to send. The CommandKey in the TransferComplete message should match the string sent by the ACS in the correspondingDownload
Run a single scenario from the CWMP scenario file
Rather than running all CWMP scenarios defined in the scenario file all at once, it is possible to run the scenarios one at a time by setting the following testvar:
testvar cwmpScenarioSingleMode yes
If set to yes, then only a single CWMP scenario will be run for each iteration of the cwmp_scenario_1 test. If the CDRouter test package is defined such that the cwmp_scenario_1 test is repeated or looped, then each iteration of the cwmp_scenario_1 test will run a subsequent scenario.
This feature was added in CDRouter 8.1.