CDRouter 15.3

March 27, 2025

New Features

  • Wi-Fi Range vs Rate (RvR): The Wi-Fi Range vs. Rate (RvR) expansion has been introduced. This feature allows for wireless range versus rate performance testing, using a programmable RF attenuator to simulate a range of signal conditions. The tests within this expansion follow the general principles, procedures, and test scenarios outlined in Section 6.3.1 of the Broadband Forum TR-398 test specification.

    This expansion consists of both software and hardware components. For details on licensing and hardware requirements, please contact

  • Wi-Fi7 MLO: Enabled Wi-Fi7 MLO Support on a NTA3000 using the new 9.4 Golden Image. CDRouter can now use the Intel BE200 wireless NIC to associate to an MLO AP. The LAN must be configured with an SSID that has support for MLO in eMLSR mode. This is the only mode supported by CDRouter and the Intel BE200. Additional logging output will be printed including association info indicating the Link ID, frequency, and channel width of the MLO station.

  • Built-in PCAP Analysis: An updated Packet Viewer delivers major performance improvements when loading larger captures, and better Follow Stream navigation within a PCAP. Users can now copy text out of the PacketList with the mouse, and from the PacketTree by holding down the Command/Meta key. The update also includes bug fixes for dragged+dropped fields, column sorting, display filter autocomplete, decode-tab layout, and new protocol dissectors from Wireshark 4.4.5.


  • New 9.4 Golden Image: Version 9.4 of the NTA3000 operating system image, aka the Golden Image, is now available. This version includes operating system and firmware updates for various interfaces within the system. For more information, please see the Golden Image Release Notes or contact

Change Log


  • Changed the default value of the testvar bbf069WritableString from Device.Time.NTPServer1 to Device.DeviceInfo.FriendlyName due to Device.Time.NTPServer1 being deprecated. [sc37030]


  • Added additional error checking for values of the testvar hostIp. [sc38068]
  • Fixed a duplicate pop-up message in the WebUI when drag and dropping an RPM to upgrade CDRouter. [sc36749]
  • Required an ethernet LAN interface when executing fixed rate performance tests that are 5 Gbps or higher. [sc38405]
  • Improved the multi-port wireless stack rotation. [sc36677]
  • Extended the timeout in test cdrouter_upnp_210. [sc38587]
  • Added /usr/cdrouter-data/logs to cdrouter-diag utility. [sc38881]
  • Improved log annotations to scroll with associated lines. [sc38619]
  • Reintroduced a message in the WebUI when pcaps are not available in the log view. [sc36832]
  • Updated Samba library used by CDRouter to 4.21.3. [sc37677]
  • Added support for zstd compressed cores to the getcore utility. [sc39086]



  • Added an IPv6 ULA mode to ipv6LanMode that allows for testing when the LAN network only supports Unique Local Addressing on the LAN. [sc37201]
  • A reference to REC-3 from RFC 6092 was added to tests ipv6_firewall_505 and ipv6_firewall_506. [sc20018]

prpl Certification

  • Updated the logs in tests prplos.1.5.13, prplos.1.5.15, and prplos.1.5.19 to reference Host-1 instead of Host-2. [sc38473]


  • Updated ET Open ruleset in CDRouter Security expansion to 10886. [sc38152]


  • Removed escaped characters that were not required and adjusted test names to match the TP-181 test plan for tests 5.7.3 and 5.7.5. [sc37239]
  • Improved logging for reporting any skipped options in CWMP profile tests. [sc38595]
  • Addressed an issue with logging missing parent objects when executing AddObject and DeleteObject profile tests. [sc38595]
  • Clarified that SetParameterValue profile tests will fail if no writable parameters are found. [sc38595]


  • Addressed an issue with logging missing parent objects when executing Add and Delete profile tests. [sc38595]
  • Clarified that Set profile tests will fail if no writable parameters are found. [sc38595]
  • Removed tests usp_1 and usp_2. [sc38569]
  • Updated test usp_tr69_2 procedure to disable and enable TR-069 using the parameter Device.CWMPManagementServer.EnableCWMP. [sc37947]
  • Updated the log message headers in profile tests to USP Profile instead of incorrectly using CWMP profile. [sc37382]