The info API call provides a mechanism for querying a CloudShark system to determine a capture file’s meta-information. The info call returns a JSON object containing all meta-information associated with the specified CloudShark capture session.
GET /api/v1/<token>/info/<cid>
The info call can be invoked by sending an http or https GET to the CloudShark system using a valid API token and CloudShark session capture ID.
Response Format
The info call returns a JSON object listing all of CloudShark’s information about the capture file:
"data_size": 1051157,
"group": "random_group_123",
"duration": "40.540655",
"group_write?": false,
"size": 1059181,
"last_accessed": "2012-03-19T14:39:09-04:00",
"viewcount": 3,
"created_at": "2012-03-09T15:45:50-05:00",
"end_time": "2011-06-03T17:30:26-04:00",
"truncated": "No",
"comments": "",
"avg_packet_size": "2102.31",
"public?": false,
"data_byte_rate": "25928.47",
"id": "cd17d8b73fea",
"tag_list": "random_tags",
"filename": "offset.84st9a3z.cap",
"cap_file_id": 276,
"file": "/var/www/cloudshark/current/uploads/2012/03/09/15/53205f76-5529-4c7d-95d2-91d9e7b9128e.cap",
"user": "random_user_123",
"num_packets": 500,
"data_bit_rate": "207427.73",
"encapsulation": "Ethernet",
"file_type": "Wireshark/tcpdump/... - libpcap",
"avg_packet_rate": "12.33",
"file_source": "upload",
"start_time": "2011-06-03T17:29:46-04:00"