The CDRouter Device Manager

The CDRouter “device manager” is a powerful tool improving on the focus of better overall test management. Use of the device manager allows for a mechanism to organize your packages and results around a single device, creating a database of your devices under test for easy reference, trend analysis, and reporting.

Adding a device

Click on the Devices tab at the top of CDRouter’s web interface. Here you’ll see a list of all of the devices in the system. If there’s a picture, you’ll see that in the list too.

Device List

To add a new device to the system, click on “New”. Here you can give your device a name, description, and add tags just as you can with packages. You can then add useful lab information such as its current location, default IP settings, and its interface username and password.

Device New

The device manager’s additional information fields are modeled after the TR-069 DeviceInfo object in the CWMP data model. If these make sense to your devices, use them! They include fields like Manufacturer, Model Name, Hardware Version, OUI, Serial Number, and Software Version.

Device Info

You can also add any additional notes you want that make sense to your team.

Click on “create” and the device is now in your list!

Adding associated files

The device manager also lets you keep track of files associated with a device, like certificates, firmware builds, etc. To add one, click on the device in the device manager list to view it, after it has been created. In the left-side column, you’ll see “add attachments”. These files will stick with the device to make keeping track of things easier.

Device Attachments

Adding an image

If you add an image as an associated file, it will be assigned as the device picture. This is useful for helping to identify devices in labs with many dozens (or hundreds) of devices under test.

Device Picture

Assigning devices to packages

When you build a test package you can assign the package to a device under test in the device manager list. All results of all tests run with that package will then be associated with that device. If you want to assign a device to a package later, CDRouter will associate all future tests run with that package to the device.

Device Package

The same logic applies to results - if you have past results that you know were done with a particular DUT, you can assign them to the device after they have been completed.

Analyzing results

After you’ve run tests that are associated with a particular device, you’ll see those results show up when you view the device in the device manager. This table works just like it does in the “results” tab of CDRouter; click on a test run to view individual test results, logs, and captures.

Device Results

If you click on the “visualize” tool while in the device view, you’ll be taken to a unique visualization of all results associated with a given device, letting you spot trends and outliers.

If the a particular test run is associated with a device, the “printable report” will also included data and images from that device in the report, making it easy to share the results with your management or customers.

A note about versioning

When CDRouter assigns results to a package, package to a device, or a configuration to a package, it takes a “snapshot” of the config, package, or device at the time of the assignment. If later you change something about the config, package, or device, a new snapshot is created. When you click on a device in a set of results, CDRouter will produce a warning and ask if you want to view the snapshot or the current, “existing” entry for the device. This is to make sure that when you go to do your analysis, you’re looking at the right thing, and to make sure your results are consistent across the system and your external continuous integration systems.