CDRouter prpl Certification User Guide
CDRouter offers a dedicated prpl Certification expansion for the prpl Foundation’s prplWare and High-Level API Certification program.
As an officially approved testing tool, CDRouter is an authorized test tool for use in conducting the prplWare and High-Level API
self-testing certification. The prpl Foundation’s website as
the definitive source for information regarding the official certification process and associated requirements.
The prplWare and High-Level API Certification includes the test cases for following test plans:
The prpl HL-API data models for USP and CWMP are available in XML and HTML formats here:
- prpl HL-API data model (prpl Foundation login required)
The baseline profiles for USP and CWMP are included in the data models. The current version of each is:
- X_PRPL-COM_Baseline:5 (USP)
- X_PRPL-COM_CWMP_Baseline:1 (CMWP)
CDRouter prpl Certification is a licensed expansion that must be purchased from QA Cafe. Additional expansions are required for both HL-API and prplOS testing:
- HL-API: requires the USP expansion license, a TR-069 expansion license is optional
- prplOS: requires the IPv6, Multiport, and either TR-069 or USP expansion licenses
For information on upgrading a CDRouter license to include prpl Certification or any other expansions, please contact To learn more about CDRouter licensing, see the license FAQ.
Testing Overview
The prpl HL-API tests perform USP or CWMP functions to verify support for the prpl data model profile. The profile defines all required objects, parameters, commands, and events for a prpl device.
The prplOS tests utilize USP or CMWP to modify the DUT data model and evaluate the DUT’s behavior. This includes Bridging, DHCP, IP, Firewall, DNS and other configuration functionality and reporting in the data model.
Test Setup
USP or CMWP must be configured for the prpl Certification tests. To get started, set
the testvar prplosProtocol
to either usp
or cwmp
and verify
that the DUT has a working USP or CWMP CDRouter configuration. For more information about configuring
CDRouter for USP or CWMP, please refer to the following user guides:
Two independent LAN interfaces are required to execute all Bridging tests in the
prplOS test module. The testvar useSameLanInterface
must be set to yes
to ensure the same port is used for testing.
See the enabling additional interfaces knowledge base article
for more information. The testvar prplosLanInterfaceAlias
be set to the value of Device.Bridge.Bridging.{i}.Port.{i}.Alias
corresponds to the primary LAN test interface.
Some prplOS tests will be skipped if IPv6 is not enabled. IPv6 is required to be enabled for prplWare and HL-API Certification.
Self Testing Certification
To achieve prplWare and HL-API certification, both HL-API and prplOS Network Functionality test results are required as part of the self-certification process.
Certification requester must:
- Be a valid prpl member.
- Pass all required Core Feature tests:
- HL-API Test Plan USP Tests
- prplOS Network Functionality Test Plan Core Tests
- Pass all claimed Optional Feature tests (e.g., HL-API Test Plan CWMP Tests).
- Provide complete product information (manufacturer, model, software version).
- Submit all required documentation to the Certification TWG.
- Demonstrate testing on the prplWare components as specified.
For more information on the certification program, requirements, and application process please refer to the following link:
For HL-API test plan, select and run the prpl-hl-api-cert test module in the prpl Certification expansion using USP. If you are interested in the optional CWMP feature, select and run the test module in the prpl Certification expansion using CMWP.
For prplOS test plan, select and run the prplOS test module in the prpl Certification expansion using USP or CWMP.