Upgrade Instructions

When upgrading from Packet Viewer 1.0, there are some breaking changes that must be addressed. There is no automatic migration at this time. Please observe the following changes:

1. Remove old React props

Remove the following props from your <PacketViewer> component instantiation if you had been using them:

  • enabledAnalysis: Additional analysis tools will be provided in future Views
  • enableProfileSwitching: The profile switcher is no longer optional
  • hideTitle: A title showing the file name is no longer part of the component
  • onClose: The component does not manage its own hide/show state anymore. Please control this from your application code

2. Add the new Stylesheet

Packet Viewer 1.1 and above ships with a separate CSS Stylesheet which needs to be imported into your applications environment. Packet Viewer will not render correctly without this addition.

import "@qacafe/pv-react/dist/main.css";

If you’d like to further modify the style, please refer to the CSS variable reference for more information.

3. Deploy the updated service Docker

Packet Viewer v1.4.1 needs both the UI components and Docker service to be the same version. The updates to the front-end and back-end must be synchronized.

Logging was upgraded in Packet Viewer v1.1 to output JSON structured logs to STDERR. View our logging documentation for more information and tips for viewing these logs.

4. Update your Health Check

Packet Viewer 1.1 and later has a new /api/health endpoint which should be used to monitor application health. Update any monitoring to point here instead of the previously recommended /api/docs endpoint.

The expected response is: 200 OK.