Upgrade Instructions
These instructions apply to customers running 3.9.x or newer. Upgrading from CloudShark 3.8 is no longer supported.
Where to download
Updated installers are available by logging into your account on the
QA Cafe Customer Lounge. Please be sure to select
the correct installer for your distribution: either el7
for CentOS 7, or el8
for Rocky 8.
Copy the CloudShark installer onto your system
After downloading the CloudShark Installer to your computer, use WinSCP or another utility to copy the file over to your CloudShark system. If you are using the command line, you can use the ‘scp’ utility:
scp path/to/cloudshark-installer-<VERSION>.<DIST>.run root@cloudshark-ip:/tmp/
Then connect to your CloudShark server via ssh:
ssh root@cloudshark-ip
You or your IT department will have configured the root password when the system was created.
Run the installer
Switch to the /tmp directory and run the installer:
cd /tmp
chmod u+x /tmp/cloudshark-installer-<VERSION>.<DIST>.run
The installer will prompt you to confirm you wish to upgrade.
That’s it!
Visit your CloudShark system on port 443 and verify the footer contains the new version you are expecting to be running.